About Third Culture Convos

A podcast exploring culture, identity, and the unique experiences of third culture kids.

Welcome to Third Culture Convos, a podcast that dives deep into the complex world of culture, identity, and the experiences of those who have grown up as third culture kids. Our mission is to create a space for meaningful conversations, foster understanding, and celebrate the richness of diverse perspectives.

Host's Bios

Waseem, Co-Host of Third Culture Convos

Waseem, a true embodiment of the third culture kid experience, grew up between Toronto, Canada, and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, spending roughly half of his life in each country. Additionally, he has worked and lived in New York City and South Korea, broadening his cultural exposure and perspective.

Throughout his life, Waseem never felt entirely at home in any of the places he lived, often being labeled as the Saudi in Canada and the Canadian in Saudi. One day, he discovered that he was not alone in feeling this way, and he learned about the term “third culture kid.” This realization sparked his interest in exploring the unique characteristics of third culture kids and how understanding this concept can help both himself and others navigate their multifaceted identities.

Waseem’s passion for providing clarity and support to younger individuals who may be feeling the same way has led him to co-host Third Culture Convos. He firmly believes that naming and acknowledging the third culture kid experience can lead to a deeper understanding and ability to cope with its challenges. Through the podcast, Waseem shares his insights, personal experiences, and engages in thought-provoking conversations that resonate with other third culture kids around the world.

Majid, Co-Host of Third Culture Convos

Majid or Mj was born to Pakistanis as a Canadian in the UAE. He is now an American citizen living in Karachi, Pakistan.

Furthering the confusion…Majid can read and write Arabic but not speak it. He can speak Urdu, kind of read it but not write it. And he studied French in school.

Dude brings it raw, rugged and real, taking inspiration from all the places he’s lived – Dubai, Toronto, Dublin, Doha, Syracuse, Springfield and Karachi.

A third culture kid in a global village best describes Majid’s childhood in Dubai. From very early on, he witnessed, experienced, and interacted with cultures other than his own through Arab teachers, American+British pop culture and global sports and cuisines.

Majid’s motivation for co-hosting the podcast is to help people find meaning in the madness and light the beckoning candle that takes us out of the dark.

Rashed, Co-Host of Third Culture Convos

Introducing Rashed, a panel member who brings an academic viewpoint to the discussions. Born in Toronto and raised in Scarborough, Rashed had brief stints living in England, Syria, and France for his studies before eventually settling in Vancouver.

Growing up in Scarborough exposed Rashed to a rich blend of cultures, with Arab culture at home and Caribbean culture predominantly influencing his experiences outside. However, he also encountered many other cultures. This hybrid reality is typical for Third Culture Kids who constantly negotiate between old and new world traditions. Rashed joined the podcast to help others in similar situations find structure and meaning in their unique lifestyles.

Rashed’s career in the airline industry has allowed him to travel extensively, visiting beautiful and intriguing places like Colombia, Greece, Portugal, and Thailand. He advises people to invest in travel to foster personal growth and expand their understanding of global cultures.

A passionate cook, Rashed enjoys experimenting with Asian cuisine, particularly Japanese and Thai dishes. He is also a language enthusiast, fluent in Arabic and French, and possessing basic knowledge of Greek and Spanish. Rashed loves exploring connections between languages and understanding how people express themselves in their native tongue. Sports also plays a significant role in his life, as he follows baseball and football, enjoys golfing, and returned to playing baseball in his 40s.

In summary, Rashed believes that everyone navigates the same puzzle, but as unique characters. He hopes that his experiences and perspectives shared on the podcast will assist others in their personal journeys, encouraging them to find strength and draw inspiration from others.

Podcast Vision

At Third Culture Convos, we believe that understanding and embracing cultural differences is crucial in today’s globalized world. Our vision is to create a community of listeners who are open to learning from each other’s experiences and willing to engage in thought-provoking conversations. Through our podcast, we hope to bridge cultural gaps, challenge stereotypes, and celebrate the unique blend of cultures that third culture kids embody.

Origins Story

The idea for Third Culture Convos was born out of a conversation between Waseem and MJ about their shared experiences as third culture kids. They realized that there was a need for a platform where people could discuss the complexities of growing up between cultures, and so, Third Culture Convos was born. Since its inception, the podcast has grown into a vibrant community of listeners who share their stories, experiences, and insights on what it means to be a third culture kid.

Join the Conversation

We invite you to join us on this journey of exploration and understanding. Tune in to our episodes, share your thoughts, and become a part of the Third Culture Convos community. Together, let’s celebrate the beauty of our diverse world and foster a greater sense of empathy and connection.