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2.50 Ancient Apocalypse and the AI Evolution: A Third Culture Kid Perspective

In this episode, hosts Waseem and Majid journey through time, from discussing the mysteries of an ancient apocalypse to speculating about the future of AI technologies. They reflect on their perspectives as third culture kids, pondering how these distinct viewpoints might shape reactions to emerging technologies like ChatGPT. As they delve into the role of big tech companies and the potential of AI as a personal mirror for self-improvement, they invite listeners to consider the multifaceted implications of these advancements. Join the conversation and share your thoughts on these intriguing topics.

Check out this episode!

Waseem: Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and welcome back to Third Culture Convos, the podcast where third culture kids sit back and talk about the world and all the beauty that unites us, and all of the intricacies and uniqueness that give us the tapestry of color that is our world. Tapestry of color, baby.

All right. I’m joined today. I get

Majid: my dictionary. Should I first

Waseem: get my dictionary? Yeah I think we’re gonna need, we’re gonna need some knowledge today. Welcome. I’m joined by Maji. What’s up buddy? What up? What

Majid: up, man? How you

Waseem: doing? I’m all right, man. I’m good. I’m feeling energized. Good, Nice. Yeah. So one of the, I think we’re gonna use this episode today to talk about I mean there’s been a lot of, things on my mind recently and. There is almost every, almost everything that, like I touch now, I think about in terms of the third culture experience and who is dealing with that experience.

And in terms of when I am I’m, meeting a phenomena, whether it be a film, Whether it be a new technology I, meet it with the pers with the perspective and the headset of this new identity label, the third culture kit and what makes this view unique to me and what, how is this affecting how I am seeing the thing?

And, trying to find where those patterns appear in my life. In terms of seeing things. You’re smiling. What? Yeah. You see what you know what I’m talking about. I see it. Yeah.

Majid: Yeah. I’m there. I’m there.

Waseem: And one of the I mean I was watching, so I wa so one of the things I watched that I honestly was in a, I couldn’t like, I could not I binged, I couldn’t, I could, I had to keep watching.

Was this show on Netflix called ancient Apocalypse? And now if you, I don’t know if you’ve heard of Graham Hancock. So I’ll give you some context about this guy. So this is a, this is a documentary, and I’ll say what the documentary’s about in a second. But it w it was produced by a man called Graham Hancock.

Graham Hancock has spent the last probably 30, 40 years With a a theory of ancient history that has been ridiculed by the the, like the traditional standard archeologists. And they think it’s absolutely ridiculous and there are a lot of criticisms that went his way. And so he wrote, Plenty of books.

You can like, look ’em up about this. The, or I think one of it’s called like the origins of the Gods or something, along those lines. But what his sort of big theory is that he po that he posits is that, and there was, that there was a advanced human civilization that existed before that existed like over 12,000 years ago.

And he says, when he says advanced he, means it’s as advanced, if not more advanced than us now today. So that’s what he means by advanced. And he says that a great global cata cataclysm destroyed the civilization in one SW very quickly. And. Was such a hard knock that it literally knocked the memory of this civilization out of humanity and only left clues for those willing to see.

Right now the, cata, the cataclysm. Is so his evidence, where does his evidence come from? Okay, good. Good. Yeah. These are all the questions. Okay? Yes. E evidence. All right. Okay. So that’s what you say. Wonderful, bold claim. Yeah. Yes. These are bold claims. So his evidence is on, is under the, is the idea that there are for in the world you can find.

So look, you can find. Okay. The first thing is the evidence on the cata, the cataclysm. In every sort of religious culture, in every like old religion, there is a, similar description of a major flood that destroys a, advanced civilization and wipes ’em off the, face of the earth because they and they, exhibited too much pride.

They thought they were gods, they were good. They, raised their head above God. And so God came as usual and, small and and I remember this feeling, this belief, and having this belief when I was younger. When, I heard, so I grew up in a like I grew up in Saudi Arabia, so obviously it was a traditional Islamic country traditional Islamic upbringing.

And if you look at the the Islamic story it’s there was Adam, comes down to, Earth with Eve, they populate the earth. Then there’s there’s a. None of those time periods are put down, but then then there’s ris, which was the second prophet.

That is mentioned in the Quran. And then there’s the third prophet, which is Noah. And Noah’s story takes off right after, like very close to Adam’s story as in it’s the next one. And then there’s 30 more prophets that like we discuss in, the, in chron chronological order. Joseph, Moses, Jada, yada, yada Jacob.

Yeah. All the guys like, all, all like that are. That you may or may not be familiar with. Yeah All of them. But there’s a, the Noah one and the Adam one, the ancient is a big one because Noah, there’s a big flood. And of course Noah has to take it upon himself to to, save, is commanded to, to preserve humanity.

The prophet. Yes, Yeah. And so that’s, and yeah, and you find that story, the flood story everywhere. And so I’ve always been fascinated by the fact that flood story was everywhere. And I, definitely wanted to believe oh man, like that there’s, there must be something there. And so he says yes there is, because at the end of the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago Big Catholic says water goes up.

So he says, why don’t you see any of the evidence of these cultures? Like, why don’t you see their old cities? Why can’t you find if it’s like a whole, it’s a whole like global civilization that existed. Why can’t you find them? He said they would’ve lived on the shores and like we live on the shores and if the water goes up, It just drowns all the shores.

And if you go to places like now, so he starts off in Indonesia. And Indonesia was a big peninsula initially, like a big land mass. And it says at the top of one of the, mountains in Indonesia, remnants. You can find the remnants of an old school pyramid. And it’s a huge mega complex. And he’s look, it’s clear. It’s right there. Like you see it and he shows you like aerial footage look. And he’s like, how did this, and look at how old, like how did this get? That’s crazy. Yeah. And then he goes to, Malta. And this is another very, this is, I’m fascinated. He goes to Malta and he goes, and like Malta, Malta apparently has it’s all what, like 30 temples old ancient temples and they’re all.

Facing the, like a particular star, but they’re slightly, they’re all like slightly off. And as you go down the country, that, they’re like, okay, this one’s slightly to the left, this one, slightly to the right, this one, slightly to the left, start to the right. And there’s like, why is that happen?

He’s over a period of time with the Earth’s wobble, that star would go off from where it’s supposed to be. And so every time it goes off, They had to make another temple to just adjust for that. And so that’s why as you go down the country, you just see them slightly move and they line up directly with the wobble of the earth of the stars that are there and, then he says, and you can see remnants of roads going into the water.

And you look at this stuff and then he goes, and serpents, like the imagery of a serpent. Always there’s an imagery of a serpent. And why is it a serpent? Why is it? And then you said if you look up to the sky and you look at a comets, because ancients would’ve been just really in touch with the sky.

And they look up at the sky, you’ll see a serpent coming at you. And what’s that? Those are comments. A, great battle in the sky when this, the, so what he says is that around the end of the ice age, a big comet comes down. He points out the, spot where it is and says, it comes, it destroys everyone. The survivors of this civilization.

Then go with boats to the rest of the people in the world, the hunters and the gatherers on ships, and teach them how to make. Big mega list. So Stonehenge, so all the other ones that are really old, teach them how to make it and make goldbe in the buried ones that are in Turkey. And dude, I saw a buried city that actually exists now that you can go in and look at all the rooms in this, like a city that could hold 20,000 people is.

Underground city. They’re like, why would you, they build an underground city If they weren’t fearful about another serpent attack from the sky, why would you try to build it underground? And it’s there and it’s crazy. And it has what, 50,000 vents so that you can breathe. And I’m talking like multilayer, like 15 layers underneath the earth, a city to keep you safe.

And so I see all this. And I think I’m fascinated by this. I think this is like unbelievable. I think it’s so cool. I think it and apparently like the they, get on this the, ships like, and they go to people and they tell them to build megaliths in and put serpents on them to remind future generations that hey, this happened to us and it can happen to you.

And so keep your eye on the sky. Keep your eyes on the sky. And then, yeah. When you think about today, and this is the thing, if you think about today, and if a similar type of like comment came and hit us, then it would destroy everything. And we have no defenses, none. Against this stuff.

Majid: Israel does.

Buds the iron though.

Waseem: Yeah they’ll be and, you know what’s interesting,

Majid: which is the survivor thing, right? There’s always a group you just said. There’s always a couple people and then they’ll go warn the others that like

Waseem: and the story about the survivors. That’s what’s really funny.

That’s so funny. That’s so funny. And even in the Islamic story. This is the coming, right? It comes, it’s the end of time and then it’s, they even say that the end of time happens there, right? Everybody who’s left is there, right? Oh man. And so this is very exciting, like in terms of, obviously I get really into it, but then I ask myself the question like, why am I really into this other than my upbringing, but does my third cultureness.

Play a role in, wanting to believe a global civilization of third culture kids existed before, like alongside hunter gatherers and was knocked out. And that there are lessons in there for, and I’m sure you, have a lot of questions in. Yeah, so this is the, that’s what I’ve been thinking about.

Majid: Good. Good. Like we, this is the podcast that also discussed and generally agreed that aliens exist. So I don’t think why should the ancient apocalypse be any different? Really, at that point we’re nitpicking, I feel. I’m down I’m, really down with the idea that there were these ancient wise people who did discover and create a utopia and something just happened to it.

And we’re left with the remnants today and we’re still fighting over. I don’t even know what like I’m down with the general idea. But you do have to approach it with skepticism. No.

Waseem: I, totally think, yes, you should. But I think probably where I’m more in the la in the lean towards the belief is because like literally if you told this story or this, narrative to a Muslim, he’ll be like, yeah, so what’s the news?

What’s, the big deal? Obviously that’s what happened. We all know this. You, just gotta take no,

Majid: you don’t think they would strongly disagree because there’s no creation part in this. You have an ancient that’s continued. There’s no creator creation part here.

Waseem: I don’t I, don’t, I think it OITs creation.

I don’t think this, sort of, let’s say archeological story, OITs creation. It doesn’t say where this civilization came from. It says that there were people that there were, that existed. And so for, Muslims, this makes sense because in the story of, Noah for Muslims and I imagine the Abrahamic religions and like that, there were people like the, floods that God sends in the story is to deal with the.

The, like prideful people.

Majid: Hubris,

and arrogance of the people. Yes, Like I think his wife was the chief like pride,

Waseem: like person. Yeah. There was, yeah. Yeah. No, his wife couldn’t come with them. There was a deal, there was something. And so when you say that to, to, to Muslim.

Muslim, I was gonna say there was a great flood that just destroyed everybody. That’s not a crazy thought. Like to for a Muslim, right? To be like, because yes, we like if you were a devout, believing Muslim that and you believe in the prophets and you believe in the stories of the prophets, even if you, the precedent is there.

Yeah, That’s, you’d be like, oh yeah, there was a big flood and totally like it kills someone, right? And that’s you, believe even. Yeah, Everything like even the Dead Sea, like the, source of the Dead Sea itself was, is the the, literally the earth was picked up, turned around and flat back right down again.

And le and left a dead sea at its wake and believe that if you go down to the bottom dead sea, you’ll see the remnants of all this, of the city. So like

Majid: this ancient apocalypse guy, he showed you guys some places and stuff. This same sort of thinking is. Fully there in the Muslim Islamic mainstream community of if you go to this stone in Yemen and this place in Yemen, you will see the scorched things that you’ve never seen anywhere else in the world.

And this is the comets that were sent. And if you go to X place other by John, some random place. Yeah. You’ll see the big flies that you won’t find anywhere else in the world. These are the locus that were sent from Egypt. Yeah. Yeah. And like you’ll get all of these kind

Waseem: of things. The evidence. The evidence, like you’ll get the evidence and when, reading. This is the, probably the most common thing that I hear is like whenever there’s a new scientific discovery or something, there’ll be like what’s his name? What’s his name? That guy. What’s the guy? That guy, yes, exactly.

Question. It says verse 32,

Majid: 4

Waseem: is gonna

Majid: That, dropping it, bend the Bible and then the Torah too. This is, we already

Waseem: know you can’t, this is a guy you can’t surprise with. Anything’s nothing. This guy knows everything and, that archetype, that exact thing. That’s it. That’s exactly what I was thinking.

I was thinking, on the one hand, this is blowing my mind. Probably the evidence because I guess as time has gone on, I’ve become like, I’m like, okay, flood. Sure as Muslim, I gotta believe that there was a flood. But the size of the flood, The scale of the flood, what it did, like, all of that and maybe just maybe it like flooded like Europe maybe it flooded like Turkey, maybe like a, size that big.

But like the Indians, they were fine. They got, they had, nothing happened to them. Like in the, Indian Peninsula was fine, but a global flood. A global flood that destroys the, world. What, the guy was saying is that, that this, group li like this ancient civilization also exi because this was the ice age.

They could only really be built they could only really exist in outside of the extremes. So outside of the, like Northern Europe off limits, right? That’s not, they’re not gonna be there. The population will be the

Majid: around one like warm area as opposed to peop Eskimos and stuff living in

Waseem: yes.

Yes. Remote places. Yeah, This is called, yeah. And so they would be there and then and so there was, there’s a lot of explanation. And then even a lot of the criticism comes with what? Why isn’t there any like tools? Why don’t we see any crazy technology? Why don’t we see anything that kind of goes up and like, why don’t we see any of that stuff?

And then, and he says, honestly, we haven’t been looking right. Like you, I was like it’s all under the water. While we’re

Majid: busy going up there yes, we might we might find something down. Yeah. Don’t look to the outer look inside. Yeah.

Yeah. That’s crazy. That’s I would like to believe, like I’ll tell you straight up, for example, like with aliens, I’m telling you, I really believe in aliens like a hundred percent.

This one, I would need to see the documentary even after seeing the documentary. I might have some questions and skepticisms, but I wouldn’t dismiss it necessarily either because again, like there’s a lot of stuff in the ocean that we just haven’t even looked at or discovered. Yeah.

Waseem: It’s like most of the ocean is not, and I We’re not even talking about the deep parts.

Like, the deepest

Majid: parts. Just even on the surface, there’s so many unanswered questions in terms of what you mentioned with stone hinge or the pyramids. There’s so many unanswered technological questions. Yeah. Like, How did you get it done? How is it still like up there kind of thing? Yep.

The logistics of it. Like really, like on a very practical level. If we have this many unanswered questions for these kind of like in our face monuments, who knows what’s down there? Yes. Why, can you not absolutely have entire cities

Waseem: buried? And I, you know what I think where, I think this is where I think the most potential comes from.

This isn’t. And, this is probably where, I would agree with Graham Hancock about the beef against the, like old school, traditional, built their career on the cradle of civilization being 5,000 years old and nothing beyond there’s impossible. A bunch of monkeys. Were gonna be able to figure this, figure out pyramids and.

And the explanations that they provide oh, it was Chance, oh, everybody just built pyramids around the world at the same time by accident. Crazy. In different

Majid: places. Not even okay, the Arab world, like sure, I get it. Like they have a designer stuff. No, Like Machu Picchu and then I don’t know where.

Waseem: Yes. Yeah, I know. And you, what’s the best part is when like they’ll find, I love that when they find cities and temples that are like 10,000 years old and they find them, they’re like these. What’s this thing like? What is this?

Majid: Petro was like that. No, like Petro Jordan was kind. Oh

Waseem: yeah.

It was like hidden. Yeah. Yeah. It was lost. Like they forgot it was the lost city. They forgot where it was and then but the be who knew where it was, right? Like they, the people that lived there knew where it was. But. Nobody asked

Majid: until Indie Jones stumbled upon

Waseem: it.

Yeah, Until he fi Yeah. So what I like, and I think what, where there’s something in it for us is twofold. On the first hand I, would much rather live in a world of wonder than live in a world of cynicism, let’s say, or there’s nothing, here to see. I’d rather see the beauty in the world, the mystery in the world, because mystery allows me to open up a question in my head.

And to explore, to discover to be even creative. And, that type of life is a privilege. Like that type of life is a privilege, right? Like it’s, you’re awake, you’re here, you’re it. This is incredible. Be awake. This is wonderful. Stay awake. And then on the other hand also on a more practical sense.

If there was something in the world that united us all in that sense that our shared history, and even in on a, like on, on a darker tone like, the biggest threat to humanity is comments falling from the sky. And the reality of that, as hard as it is to process that makes us all go, Hey, Elon listen, don’t worry about this Twitter business.

Get up there man. Shit. Like, we need a defense. We need a defense system. Somebody call Israel.

Majid: I’ve already mentioned straight up, I already mentioned the company that makes this they’ve already proven it very well. Yeah, we are gonna be shielded

Waseem: like, it’s I don’t know about them.

This actually might clear up the situation for us.

Majid: The problem will

Waseem: solve itself.

Oh boy. And so that I, so I think I see this is all the second

Majid: anniversary or I just wanna mention it’s all the second anniversary of Knock Mo we’re making like Joseph.

Waseem: Yeah as they shut down the accounts it’s a

Majid: very Jewish way of dealing with trauma. To laugh about it and make jokes about

video1906284206: it.

Waseem: I, also watched Jewish matchmaking too. So after, after having watched Indian matchmaking, I watched Jewish matchmaking and, everybody’s trying to hook up, right?

Like everyone’s trying to try No, trying to match. And it’s the wisdom, the in matchmaking. It’s just, yeah. But that’s the, so I, as a third culture kid, I see the wonder, and that excites me and brings me like, closer to it. And also the the, seriousness of let’s get our threats in order.

Gay people aren’t the threat to the planet that you think they are. Like it’s, really That doesn’t necessarily affect you in the same way that doom destruction and apparently we’re due a common, like apparently there is, there are windows of time and what these guys had figured out, the ancients had figured out through their ab advanced understanding of the skies and the stars, is that every, like 12,000 years is you’re, in a danger zone.

You’re in a hot period, and we’re in that hot period now. I

Majid: can believe that too, because there is precedence again in nature, just volcanoes have almost a due date. Earthquakes almost have a due date kind of thing. So like I can believe

Waseem: that too. And we believe without like question that the a comet destroyed the dinosaurs.

Civilization, like it wasn’t a civilization, but it destroyed all big life on earth. And if it wasn’t for the little ones that were able to go underground and, deal with the apocalypse that happened after that ultimately repopulated the earth and, ushered in the age of the mammal.

From the age of the dinosaur like that’s not up for debate. Everyone’s and like li literally you can go visit the site of the crater, right? Like you can go see the and it was the same, like literally the guy was showing us the site of the crater, right? This is where the thing landed.

And how do you, can you tell, look at the stones, look at this. And he talked to these guys and then he asked all these researchers, he’s like, why? Like, why do you think they don’t wanna buy this? Literally this documentary is like war. It’s war against the like arch, the traditional archeologist.

It’s okay, bring your evidence, I’ll bring my evidence and we’ll see. And, it’s full out war. And it’s interesting to see where it’s gonna go.

Majid: It’s also, by the way, it doesn’t have to be one giant comet that takes out the entire earth. We could be at a tipping point in terms of this climate change.

We’ve already there and one little is the final straw that breaks the camel’s back, right? Like a comet comes in melts in ice cap and that’s halas like that has to, if we could use, it couldn’t just be one giant event. It might be one little thing that. Domino effects into some other stuff, or butterfly effect, even both of them.

Waseem: We could use the petrol, all the gas in the world to blow that. Like you definitely need that sort of cowboy Rambo mentality, like Armageddon. Like you’re gonna need those guys like, that’s what we’re gonna call on our last hope. That’s exactly what’ll happen.

And we’re on the way. Elon Musk will put together the super team. I don’t know who it’ll be on the super team. They’ll

Majid: be either the super team that look, I’m very cynical in terms of human behavior. They’ll be the super team that’s gonna try and save the world. But they’ll also be the super team that might feature Elon Musk that’s gonna run away to Mars.

They’re gonna say, Hey, f this. We’re going to Mars. That’s what we, I paid for the last 10 years, 20 years researched. To live up there. We’re gonna come

Waseem: Jeff. Come with me.

Majid: Exactly. Oprah. Yo, Jeff. Mike. Let’s go. Get

Waseem: on. Get on. We’ll leave. We’ll leave Putin and Joe Biden to take care of this.

Majid: Exactly. They can give the Independence Day speeches and stuff.

We’re outta here. Yeah. Yeah. You guys, yeah. Yeah. Like

Waseem: you see them, shoot the nukes. Shoot the nokes. You guys are stuck following nukes. Does Pakistan have Nokes shoot them

Majid: everybody all together now, like line up in the show of Global Unity hashtag no.

Waseem: That and then if no, if actually, I think at that point you’d want a Trump in charge too.

Like just a wild guy. Like a wild, guy to be like, yo guys hey Like, this is the biggest rocket I’ve ever seen. That’s what they say. The biggest one they say, aye. Don say, they say the biggest one. The biggest one. A lot of people say it is big. It’s real big. Okay.

Majid: I miss you bro. I miss DJ t.

Waseem: Yeah. With the entertainment value, I ne I’m never gonna forget that speech from Independence Day that Bill Pullman gives at the end of the film. That speech it burnt into my like heart. It’s like, even the

Majid: wars we fought, Prepared us for this day,

Waseem: right?

Like and.

Majid: Today is our independence state, the way he says it and stuff. Yeah. Yeah, man.

Waseem: Yeah. Yeah. Classic. It’s unbelievable. It’s, it just gets you like, I’m still getting all, set. Go human. Go, man. Yeah, Go human.

Majid: The entire cinema was trying to think like Dubai, everybody together, n w

Waseem: nwo.

So that’s, yeah that’s, where I’ve I’m, sitting with that. I’m thinking about that. And so tying it back to what I was saying initially third culture kids, I wonder if third culture kids and maybe if any third culture kids, listen to this, please. Apparently still Spotify has a new feature where you can, there’s like a little q and a box, so if you open up your, what you’re listening to us on and you just scroll up a bit, you’ll see q and a and you can actually add.

Your thoughts, and so please do, because I wanna know if as a third culture kid, do you see are you more inclined to be excited about this and to buy it? Or are you like, no way, man. I, didn’t know you were that crazy. Are you like, that? No man, I’m the culture kid and I don’t like nothing and I just want I’m curious.

I’m really curious if that’s what connects us all. If that’s a connection for us or if I’m and, that’s why I’m excited because I’m a third culture kid, or no, for some other reason. I’m excited for some other reason that, that I’m aware of.

Majid: It could also be a multitude of reasons. You are a nerd geek.

Like it might not just be third culture persona within you. It might be like 2, 3, 4 personas within you.

Waseem: Totally. Totally. And so like you, guys gotta let me know, if you like you, people need to let me, you people need to let me know. You use the new features. Technology now allows for you to chat.

Majid: And Chad, g p t lets you ask the question. You don’t need to do anything, just copy paste from one thing to another.

Waseem: Man, I’ve been, I oh man. And with Chad, g p t i have been, I’ve been playing. And here’s a, big, like a. Here’s the 20% learning that like will come up for, that’ll deal, give you 80% of the results.

And it’s how to think about chat chip pt. So those of you playing around messing with it or not messing with it actually in a lot of countries you can’t use it because it’s still not open to those countries. So sorry about that guys. But if your, friend can register you in the States and then once you’re registered, you can access it anywhere.

So you, so that’s a little piece of. Information for you. But what, one of the things to think about it is not as a encyclopedia as like a fact source or as a knowledge base. But think of it as a reflector, as a mirror because it will it’s, a reasoning model. It’s not a knowledge model. So yeah, it’s a reasoning model.

So when you, have a conversation with it in order to, you prompt it to help you learn a bit more about something that you are thinking about. So it that, and that back and forth opens up new avenues in your brain. That, and even in chat, p t’s brain to reason out an idea even as complex as you can be.

And so if you think about it in that it helps refine your ideas and imagine having it as your backup, as your co-pilot, just helping broad explore and, dissect ideas so that you can make better decisions that is a, that judgment free. That’s

Majid: incredible. And they’re, aren’t they releasing a new version of Chat GT soon where it’s gonna be a little bit more browser search, like p

Waseem: they’re trying to replace?

Bing has, Microsoft has that in Bing. It’s already there like a chat G p t that’s connected with the internet. So it’s your, internet buddy. And Microsoft does have that already. That’s available Microsoft Bing, and that’s also incredible. It’s also incredible, like everything’s incredible right now.

I feel like Google, Google has barred, but they’re pretty they’re behind on this one. They’re pretty behind on this one. I think. Like I would say Microsoft like Microsoft Chat TV and the lead.

Majid: Even maybe Apple. No, I don’t

Waseem: hear much. I love apple. Apple doesn’t need to be first. Apple just needs to be better, and so Apple is, definitely a hundred percent quietly sitting and working on it.

And they’re gonna release something that’ll be like, like I trust that they will release something that’s just gonna be like Siri on steroids, because

Majid: there’s a rumor they’re working on an autonomous driving car as well to match Tesla. So they do have AI sort of

Waseem: technology that Yeah, That, yeah.

And you, can see when they patent things, right? Like I, and now I’ve, I follow like AI news every week just to see, and every week. It’s, we make a ridiculous jump every week. Every week. And so I can’t imagine. I can’t I can’t imagine what the end of this year is gonna look like. It’s, it’ll be absurd.

It’s absurd. Like January, there was no such thing as statute routine. January 1st and and now, today, May 17th. I can’t imagine being without

Majid: it. Yeah, I feel you. I know what you mean by by December 31st, 2023 will be Terminator, like T 1000 at least, or t1. Oh, yeah. Not T1 thousand yet. T1. Yeah.

It’ll be Yeti by February it’ll be T 500. Yeah. And by mid-February it’ll be T 1000. Like the jumps you’re talking about, like their exponential leap suddenly.

Waseem: And,

so I, and I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid what will happen. I’m not afraid. I’m just, no, it’s embrace. I’m not afraid.

It’s I think it’s a great mirror. I think social media both like that. I, heard someone say, I heard someone say, it’s a great mirror. It’s a great mirror that can that can unlock humanity. It can help you unlock your, like, why imagine having like a therapist in your ear that like, one of the things like I want to live a more responsible life.

And so then I, and I come up to a decision, and then I decide to do, to do this. And then it says you said you wanted to live a more responsible life. Here are the options that are in front of you. Which one of these sound looks, sounds the most responsible to you? And then to, and then it asks me that question.

And then I, have to go and, this, like a dream that everyone has their own personal ai. Personal and private. So nobody has access to it, but you. It’s yours. It ha it has, it’s been, it’s feeding off everything that you see do or say. And so it’s a mirror of you. It’s you and it helps you and prompts you and, he helps you be a better person.

I think that’s, an ideal, like a lovely like thing. And as long as it stays personal and private and they don’t like And, that’s I think where we need our, policy around this, right? Like, there this, requires governance, this entire

Majid: topic. Let’s cover next week. Let’s, okay, ai, we need to, we haven’t, AI and governance, this is a full cuz there’s so many, it’s a tool, right?

Yeah. And tool means the, any good, bad, the ugly, everything. Everything.

Waseem: Yeah. We’ll talk about this. Beautiful. Thank you so much. Thanks guys. For, joining in us. Please make sure to come back next week where we talk about where we have our third culture convos, and we talk about what’s next and what’s coming up and what unites us all as a thing.

Make sure you, if you like this, topic, like subscribe, share, share with your friends and please let us know in the q and as what you guys, thought. Do you think we’re crazy? Think we’re off our rocker? Or do you think Oh yeah, you speaking truth. No

Majid: one’s. No one’s saying for sure, but just maybe, do you accept that there might be a possibility?

Waseem: What do you think? What do you think? And why do you think that? What do you think? And why do you think that? That’d be great. Thanks. I’ll see you later imagine.

Majid: Cheers, you peace. Peace.